
Our club has a rich history of organizing engaging and exciting events for college students. From our earliest days, we have been dedicated to creating a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for learning and socializing. Over the years, we have hosted a variety of events, from workshops and seminars to parties and festivals, each one leaving its mark on our club's history. We take great pride in the memories we've created and the impact we've had on our college community, and we invite you to take a journey through our past events.

Web Wizards | International Women's Day| GNE's APEX | Poster Making Competition | GNE'S ACME | Game Engineer's Workshop | Fast & Curious

Autophiles Talk 16 August, 2023


Web Wizards 16 April, 2023


International Women's Day 9th March, 2023


GNE's APEX 16 April, 2023


Poster Making Competition 28 Feb, 2023


GNE's ACME 14 March, 2023


Game Engineers  20-29 March, 2023


Fast & Curious 8 December, 2022